Your Mattress And Your Dog

Many of the people nowadays own a pet. These lovely animals are always around to make us company and share with us lots of daily activities. One of them is sleeping in the same bed as us, but have you ever wondered if this is good or bad for your health?

As you know, dogs mainly, can carry many types of diseases and lots of fleas, ticks, dirt or hair that could generate allergies or worsen it, so to prevent any of it we should have certain points in mind.

  • Make sure you take your pet to the vet often to make sure it doesn’t carry any unwanted guests.
  • Clean and regularly change your sheets, blankets, and coverlets.
  • Vacuum regularly
  • Clean and disinfect the share spaces with your dog

Most people think their mattress doesn’t need any attention, but they couldn’t be more wrong, this is one of the places that most of the dirt, moist, fleas and fur from your lovely pet gathers so it is also important that you make sure you clean it at least once every six weeks.

According to one study of the University of Kingston the mattress is one of the favorite places for the mites to place, it is estimated that a used mattress could have between 1.5 million mites inside.

The eggs of the mites can be found on the hair or fur of your little friend, so it is important to keep an eye on this, and make sure you have a cleaning routine of all your bedroom and avoid any health diseases.

The experts recommend cleaning your mattress once every six months, and having a mattress cover to prevent from any of the mentioned above trespasses or gets through.

So, no you now, there’s nothing wrong with letting your fury friend sleep with you, just make sure you are properly cleaning your mattress.

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Your Mattress And Your Dog

Many of the people nowadays own a pet. These lovely animals are always around to make us company and share with us lots of daily activities. One of them is sleeping in the same bed as us, but have you ever wondered if this is good or bad for your health?